Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world. - Arthur Schopenhauer
We can regard our life as a uselessly disturbing episode in the blissful repose of nothingness. - Arthur Schopenhauer
El hombre puede, acaso, hacer lo que quiere; pero no puede querer lo que quiere". - Arthur Schopenhauer
One simple test of the claim that the pleasure in the world outweighs the pain…is to compare the feelings of an animal that is devouring another with those of the animal being devoured. - Arthur Schopenhauer
One should use common words to say uncommon things - Arthur Schopenhauer
The Jews are the scum of the earth, but they are also great masters in lying. - Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer
We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people. - Arthur Schopenhauer
It is for this reason that we find that co-existence, which could neither be intime alone, for time has no contiguity, nor in space alone, forspace has no before, after, or now, - Arthur Schopenhauer
If we weren't all so interested in ourselves, life would be so uninteresting we couldn't endure it. - Arthur Schopenhauer
A sense of humour is the only divine quality of man - Arthur Schopenhauer
Life is a constant process of dying. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude - Arthur Schopenhauer
Every nation ridicules other nations -- and all are right. - Arthur Schopenhauer
If there is anything in the world that can really be called a man's property, it is surely that which is the result of his mental activity. - Arthur Schopenhauer
There is no absurdity so palpable but that it may be firmly planted in the human head if you only begin to inculcate it before the age of five, by constantly repeating it with an air of great solemnity. - Arthur Schopenhauer
I've never known any trouble than an hour's reading didn't assuage. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Qualsiasi uomo notevole, chiunque cioè non appartenga a quei 5/6 dell'umanità dotati tanto miseramente dalla natura, rimarrà dopo i quarant'anni difficilmente esente da una certa traccia di misantropia. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Marrying means to halve one's rights and double one's duties - Arthur Schopenhauer
There is an underlying unity in all things - Arthur Schopenhauer
Education stuffs you full of ideas without the coinciding experience that gave rise to those ideas in the first place, giving you incorrect perspective and notions. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Faith is like love: it does not let itself be forced. - Arthur Schopenhauer
The memory should be specially taxed in youth, since it is then that it is strongest and most tenacious. But in choosing the things that should be committed to memory the utmost care and forethought must be exercised; as lessons well learnt in youth are never forgotten. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Clio, the muse of history, is as thoroughly infected with lies as a street whore with syphilis. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Every nation ridicules other nations, and all are right. - Arthur Schopenhauer
I have long held the opinion that the amount of noise that anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity and therefore be regarded as a pretty fair measure of it. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Die allermeiste Gesellschaft ist so beschaffen, dass wer sie gegen die Einsamkeit vertauscht einen guten Handel macht. - Arthur Schopenhauer
If you want to know your true opinion of someone, watch the effect produced in you by the first sight of a letter from him. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Compassion is the basis of all morality - Arthur Schopenhauer
... that when you're buying books, you're optimistically thinking you're buying the time to read them.(Paraphrase of Schopenhauer) - Arthur Schopenhauer
Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Bei Abwesenheit großer Leiden quälen uns die kleinsten Unannehmlichkeiten. - Arthur Schopenhauer
It often happens that we blurt out things that may in some kind of way be harmful to us, but we are silent about things that may make us look ridiculous; because in this case effect follows very quickly on cause. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Happiness consists in frequent repetition of pleasure - Arthur Schopenhauer
After your death, you will be what you were before your birth. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Music is the occult metaphysical exercise of a soul not knowingthat it philosophizes. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Compassion is the basis of morality. - Arthur Schopenhauer
If we were not all so interested in ourselves, life would be so uninteresting that none of us would be able to endure it. - Arthur Schopenhauer
They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Almost all of our sorrows spring out of our relations with other people. There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Ordinary people merely think how they shall 'spend' their time; a man of talent tries to 'use' it. - Arthur Schopenhauer
The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity. - Arthur Schopenhauer
For an author to write as he speaks is just as reprehensible as the opposite fault, to speak as he writes; for this gives a pedantic effect to what he says, and at the same time makes him hardly intelligible - Arthur Schopenhauer
How is it possible that suffering that is neither my own nor of my concern should immediately affect me as though it were my own, and with such force that is moves me to action? - Arthur Schopenhauer
Any foolish boy can stamp on a beetle, but all the professors in the world cannot make a beetle. - Arthur Schopenhauer
The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party when the masks are dropped. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Truth that is naked is the most beautiful. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death. The higher the interest rate and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed - Arthur Schopenhauer
I believe that when death closes our eyes we shall awaken to a light, of which our sunlight is but the shadow. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Treat a work of art like a prince: let it speak to you first. - Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Honor has not to be won; it must only not be lost. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. It is not only an interruption, but is also a disruption of thought. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Rascals are always sociable, and the chief sign that a man has any nobility in his character is the little pleasure he takes in others company. - Arthur Schopenhauer